The Basel Trial of the «Protocols of the Elders of Zion»
The History of a Book in Our Collection
Basel, Kornhausgasse 8. This address is now home to the Jewish Museum of Switzerland. Its collection contains an unusual book, a copy of the «Protocols of the Elders of Zion» labeled as confiscated: «Beschlagnahmt.» In 1933, the local secretariat at the same address, Kornhausgasse 8, conducted a so-called «action,» a measure by the Swiss Association of Jewish Communities (SIG) to ward off antisemitism. The Basel local secretariat reported antisemitic incidents to the SIG and negotiated countermeasures to be taken. One of them was the so-called Basel Trial of the «Protocols of the Elders of Zion.»
On 21 June 1933, the Jewish lawyer, Oscar Meyer, filed a «defamation lawsuit» with the Basel criminal court on behalf of Jules Dreyfus-Brodsky, President of the Jewish Community of Basel and of the SIG, along with Dr. Marcus Cohn, President of the Swiss Zionist Association, and Dr. Marcus Ehrenpreis, Chief Rabbi of Stockholm. The lawsuit was directed against the authors and disseminators of the «Protocols of the Elders of Zion.»
The «Protocols» is an antisemitic text, probably of Russian origin, which reached Western Europe in the wake of the Russian Revolution, and was published several times in annotated versions. The «Protocols» intended to prove fictitious agreements between Jews wanting to assume political world dominance. In fact, the «Protocols» was a plagiary of Maurice Joly’s political satire «Dialogue aux enfers entre Machiavel et Montesquieu» (1864), a fact that had been proven in 1926. But it continued to circulate and find new readers, especially as National Socialism was gaining adherents.
The defendants in the Basel trial were the German publishers, Gottfried van der Beek, author of «The Secrets of the Elders of Zion,» Theodor Fritsch, author of the «Zionist Protocols» and the Swiss disseminators of the brochures, Alfred Zander and Eduard Rüegsegger. The name «Gottfried van der Beek» was the pseudonym of Ludwig Müller von Hausen, an antisemitic German journalist who died in 1926. Theodor Fritsch, it soon turned out, was also deceased. The lawsuit was subsequently directed against Alfred Zander, head of the fascist National Front. Its primary concern was to obtain a verdict exposing the «Protocols» as a forgery.
The trial in Basel was conducted by the President of the Criminal Court, Dr. Ezechiele Enocari. The court decreed on 22 June 1933 that the «Protocols» be confiscated from the premises of the local branch of the National Front in Basel, with two criminal investigators seizing 761 copies.
Almost at the same time, a similar trial against the «Protocols» was initiated in Bern. The Bernese lawyers refused to cooperate with Oscar Meyer because they did not want to jeopardize their own trial. Because the Swiss Association of Jewish Communities expected more from the outcome of the Bern trial, it increased its efforts in support of Bern, while the trial in Basel was postponed. In June 1936, the trial in Basel was reliquished and a settlement with Zander negotiated. Zander had to withdraw his claim that Ehrenpreis had testified to the authenticity of the «Protocols.» And he admitted that the writing had no connection with the First Zionist Congress in Basel. Zander also agreed to pay the court costs. For Oscar Meyer, who had put a lot of energy into the Basel process, the outcome was disappointing, even though he had advised Jules Dreyfus-Brodsky to accept the settlement already in June 1934. Although he supported the Bern process, he was also disappointed by the lack of trust that the Bern lawyers had shown him. In 1935 he asked Saly Mayer about the status of the trial in Bern and mentioned that he had «lost the desire to complete the Basel trial.»
By Barbara Häne
Mächler, Stefan: Hilfe und Ohnmacht. Der Schweizerische Israelitische Gemeindebund und die nationalsozialistische Verfolgung 1933–1945, Zürich 2005.
Hagemeister, Michael, Die «Protokolle der Weisen von Zion» vor Gericht. Der Berner Prozess 1933–1937 und die «antisemitische Internationale», Zürich 2017.
Meyer, Oscar: Brief an das Präsidium des 18. Zionisten-Kongresses, Basel 16.08.1933, S. 1 f., AfZ: NL Marcus Cohn / 88.
o. A.: Prot. der Juristenkonferenz, Basel 01.06.1934, S. 4, AfZ: IB SIG-Archiv / 1215.
Jüdische Presszentrale Zürich (JPZ) 753, 07.07.1933.
Meyer, Oscar: Brief an Saly Mayer, Basel 24.10.1935. AfZ: IB SIG-Archiv / 1216.
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