Passports, Profiteers, Police.

A Swiss War Secret

2021, first edition 

Bound hardcover

17 × 24 cm

224 pages

edi­ti­on clan­des­tin publi­shing house, Basel


Design: Ele­na Hasche­mi Schi­ra­zi and Tanya Eberle

ISBN 978–3‑907262–09‑2

Fr. 35.—

(plus shipping )


«I would like to have a Uru­gua­yan pass­port» – thus beg­ins Wła­dysław Szlengel’s song «Paszpor­ty» (pass­ports), com­po­sed in 1942 in the ghet­to of War­saw. It con­ti­nues: «I would like one for Uru­gu­ay, one for Cos­ta Rica, one for Para­gu­ay.» The Latin Ame­ri­can pass­ports are not a poe­tic inven­ti­on, but a his­to­ri­cal­ly veri­fia­ble ser­vice of help that ope­ra­ted from Switzerland.

The exhi­bi­ti­on cata­log «Pass­ports, Pro­fi­te­ers, Poli­ce. A Swiss War Secret» unveils the net­work that hel­ped thou­sands of Jews escape Ger­ma­ny and the occu­p­ied ter­ri­to­ries by pro­vi­ding them with Latin Ame­ri­can pass­ports, thus saving them from cer­tain death.

The cata­log is available in the muse­um store or from edi­ti­on clan­des­tin.

2021, first edition 

Bound hardcover

17 × 24 cm

224 pages

edi­ti­on clan­des­tin publi­shing house, Basel


Design: Ele­na Hasche­mi Schi­ra­zi and Tanya Eberle

ISBN 978–3‑907262–09‑2