Pandemics and Poetics

A Jewish Dictionary

Jewish Muse­um of Switz­er­land (ed.)

2020, 84 pages, bro­chu­re, 12 x 14,5 cm

Sewn spi­ne, 4‑colour illustrations, 


edi­ti­on clan­des­tin publi­shing house, Basel

ISBN: 978–3‑907262–08‑5

Fr. 16.—

(plus shipping )


During the first month of the Coro­na cri­sis, the Jewish Muse­um of Switz­er­land asked wri­ters and artists to inter­pret the most fre­quent­ly dis­cus­sed terms of the cri­sis. The result is a coll­ec­tion of neo­lo­gisms, bor­ro­wed words, and new event for­mats that indi­rect­ly or unex­pec­ted­ly have a Jewish meaning.

The terms appeared on Face­book and Insta­gram from March to April 2020 and sub­se­quent­ly as a book published by edi­ti­on clandestin.


Cas­par Bat­te­gay, Syl­via Bat­te­gay, Sibyl­le Berg, Nadia Guth Bia­si­ni, Alfred Boden­hei­mer, Julia­ne Cam­field, Max Czol­lek, Liz­zie Doron, Emi­lia­no Fied­ler, Oded Fluss, Mir­na Funk, Micha­el Griff, Yuriy Gurz­hy, Shif­ra Kuper­man, Cra­zy David Levi­ne, Han­no Loe­wy, Miri­am Lubrich, Nao­mi Lubrich, Ste­fa­nie Mah­rer, Olga Osadt­schy, Luci van Org, Anika Reich­wald, Roger Reiss, Signe Rossbach.

Digi­tal Book (PDF for download) 

Jewish Muse­um of Switz­er­land (ed.)

2020, 84 pages, bro­chu­re, 12 x 14,5 cm

Sewn spi­ne, 4‑colour illustrations, 


edi­ti­on clan­des­tin publi­shing house, Basel

ISBN: 978–3‑907262–08‑5