Birth Culture

Jewish Artefacts from Rural Switzerland and Environs

© 2022 Schwabe Verlag,
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG, Basel, Schweiz
191 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-7965-4607-5
Publication Date: 12.09.2022

Dedicated to: Peter Stein & Charlotte Stein-Fell
seligen Andenkens
Editor and translator: Naomi Lubrich, Basel
Proofreader: Ricarda Berthold, Freiburg
Cover: Elena Haschemi Schirazi, Basel
Typesetting: Elena Haschemi Schirazi, Basel
Illustration (maps): Marva Gradwohl, Bern
Printer: Hubert & Co., Göttingen
Printed in Germany

Fr. 35.–

(plus shipping )


In Juda­ism, the begin­ning of life was cele­bra­ted with a varie­ty of reli­gious ritu­als. The Jewish Muse­um in Basel pre­ser­ves objects from Switz­er­land and the neigh­bor­ing regi­ons of Alsace to sou­thern Ger­ma­ny and sheds light on a lar­ge­ly lost world of faith, fears, hope, and hap­pi­ness. Among them are amu­lets to pro­tect mothers and child­ren, wimp­les to anchor boys in the Jewish com­mu­ni­ty, pil­lows for cir­cumcis­i­on, birth regis­ters of the cir­cumcis­er («mohel books»), and crad­les for the Hol­le­kreisch fes­ti­vi­ties. Scho­lar­ly artic­les by Tali Ber­ner, Feli­ci­tas Heimann-Jeli­nek, Uri R. Kauf­mann, and Danie­la Schmid are com­ple­men­ted by inter­views with Dinah Ehren­freund-Mich­ler, Aviv Szabs, Esra Weill, and Eli­sa­beth and Ralph Wein­gar­ten (-Gug­gen­heim), which tell sto­ries about reli­gi­on and life from per­so­nal and pro­fes­sio­nal perspectives.

Tali Berner
Dinah Ehrenfreund-Michler
Feli­ci­tas Heimann-Jelinek
Ste­fan Hofer
Uri R. Kaufmann
Danie­la Schmid
Aviv Szabs
Esra Weill
Eli­sa­beth & Ralph Wein­gar­ten (-Gug­gen­heim)

© 2022 Schwabe Verlag,
Schwabe Verlagsgruppe AG, Basel, Schweiz
191 pages, hardcover
ISBN 978-3-7965-4607-5
Publication Date: 12.09.2022

Dedicated to: Peter Stein & Charlotte Stein-Fell
seligen Andenkens
Editor and translator: Naomi Lubrich, Basel
Proofreader: Ricarda Berthold, Freiburg
Cover: Elena Haschemi Schirazi, Basel
Typesetting: Elena Haschemi Schirazi, Basel
Illustration (maps): Marva Gradwohl, Bern
Printer: Hubert & Co., Göttingen
Printed in Germany