Passports, Profiteers, Police
A Swiss War Secret

The Exhibition Catalog

The cata­log accom­pany­ing the exhi­bi­ti­on of the same name tells the sto­ry of tho­se invol­ved in the trade in Latin Ame­ri­can pass­ports during World War II. Some were hel­pers, others were pro­fi­te­ers, and tog­e­ther, they pro­du­ced thou­sands of pass­ports for per­se­cu­ted Jews to escape or avo­id being depor­ted to con­cen­tra­ti­on camps. The book also sheds light on the poli­ti­ci­ans who tried to stop the trade in pass­ports and disable the hel­pers’ network.

Fr. 35.—, available in the muse­um shop or from edi­ti­on clan­des­tin.

verfasst am 17.12.2021