Jewish Culture Day

Impressions from 2021

The Cul­tu­re Day (short for Euro­pean Day of Jewish Cul­tu­re) pres­ents the many facets of Juda­ism and high­lights their local, regio­nal and natio­nal signi­fi­can­ce. The aim of the Cul­tu­re Day is to spread awa­re­ness of the cul­tu­ral rich­ness of Jewish life, as well as to crea­te and spread nar­ra­ti­ves about it.

Cele­bra­ting diver­si­ty in Juda­ism can con­tri­bu­te to a plu­ra­li­stic and inclu­si­ve Euro­pe. One means of moving towards this goal is dia­log. This dia­log bet­ween the dif­fe­rent streams of Juda­ism, bet­ween reli­gi­ons and against pre­ju­di­ce, is cele­bra­ted on the first Sun­day in September.

Events over­view

verfasst am 17.12.2021