Torah Crown

An Unusual Ornament

This Torah crown is made of silk flowers, rib­bons, wire and card­board that had once packa­ged Eng­lish cut­lery. It is evi­dence of a rural Jewish com­mu­ni­ty, pro­ba­b­ly Alsa­ti­an, that appar­ent­ly had to impro­vi­se the deco­ra­ti­on of its Torah scrolls in order to car­ry them around the syn­ago­gue on Sim­chat Torah. For this cele­bra­ti­on, the scrolls are pre­fer­a­b­ly
deco­ra­ted with sil­ver orna­ments. If the com­mu­ni­ty did not have enough sil­ver for all the scrolls, loving assem­bla­ges like the­se would ser­ve as tem­po­ra­ry adornments.

verfasst am 17.12.2021